
Nathan Knecht

I like to be surprised.  I like each project to be a unique exploration with the owner(s) and the site.  The artist in me wants to start each project with a blank canvas, no preconceptions, no set rules.  Let’s be vulnerable in our meeting.  I believe so much in regenerative design, always curious how we will live by giving back rather than taking from. It’s lofty thinking, often grounded by the complexities of bringing a project to fruition. I strive to develop a clear and concise approach to the projects program, site placement, and form. Clarifying the connection the project has to its place, its people and its meaning.

My passion to see a project to completion led me to start CONNECT construction as a way to explore the complexities of material, construction budgets, and project execution. This has taught me to appreciate the Wabi-Sabi of creating. Wabi-Sabi is a beauty of things imperfect and impermanent. A beauty of things modest and humble. I have found some of the greatest aesthetics come from how a material weathers or how materials come together. It is a microcosm of the edge between a building and nature, a diverse place with its own ecology.
